Spiritual Art Gallery

Abstract Spiritual Art
Abstract  Spiritual Art

Abstract  Paintings Mystical Symbolism Sacred Geometry

Paintings  Expressionism Spiritual Entities - Angels - Animals

Paintings  Impressionism Flowers - Landscapes

Paintings  Expressionism - Portraits Still Life

Stationery  Bookmarks Mystical Symbols Angels

Stationery  Postcards Miniature Paintings

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Barbara A. Rizzo
 Spiritual Artist

Metaphysical paintings for meditation.
Art to heal the soul, quiet the mind, and awaken the spirit within.

Water Color
Abstract Paintings


Gallery V

  • Angels
  • Mystical Symbols

    Gallery VI

  • Mystical Symbols
  • Sacred Geometry

    May Peace and Love be in the hearts of all people on this earth!

    GOD bless Us all, and keep this earth safe!

  • Barbara A.Rizzo

    Spiritual Artist

    About the artist

  • Latest Art Work
  • World Fine Art Gallery

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    Spiritual Art Gallery

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                © Barbara A.Rizzo 2001